觉得我傻吗?我承认。。三更半夜写东西。。。 午夜了, 大家睡了把~ 我不是偏心,只怪小学和中学时代没有面子书。。。 现在,我不想错过向朋友们说话的机会了。。。 我很喜欢你们。。。超喜欢的。。。十八个不同的面孔,不同的性格,不同的习惯,不同的爱好的你们 出现在我眼前,不多,三年罢了,不过,我习惯了。 离别不代表不能重逢, 这~我懂。 只是离别后重逢,大家可能变了~不过只是变得更懂事吧~ 你们将不会从我回忆中抹去, 我保证。 希望你们都会把这份友谊放在心里, 让它永远都成为我们心中那永无过期的宝物,好好珍藏~~ (Noob Shien, 2010)
PY3...不懂何时这名词已深深地刻画在我们十九个小瓜的心上。。。或许有些人不认同,也不以 为意。。。但它就是存在于我们的学生生涯里。。。或许彼此之间有很多误会,小气,不熟悉,甚至可 以说不团结。。。但我们依然是一个班的。。。我们依然是曾经一起上课的。。。也许我,你,他/她 不曾深聊过,也讨厌过彼此,甚至说他人的坏话。。。但这些都是回忆。。。至少我们的回忆里还有这 十九个小瓜。。。不管是好或坏。。。希望我们前程锦绣。。。^_^ (Siang Yi, 2010)
今天我已把我该上的课都上了,该交的课业都交了,该烦恼的成绩都烦了,但在我电话簿里的十九个新 号码,在我大学的十九个同学,在各州各省来的朋友,在一起面对大学问题的死党,在我心中停泊了三 年的回忆,这些都上不完,交不了,烦不尽。。。。或许该说我不像上完这一课,不想交这份课业,不 想失去这烦恼,更不想没了这十九个号码,同学,朋友,死党和回忆,因为我爱你们~ (Suet Choon, 2010)
I love you all my lovely py3 guys, the time is so happy and awesome when we having fun together^>~! really gonna miss you all so much.. "bu she de" you all already le^^" haha.. gather 6 of us to have crazy time again, it was so amazing and enjoyable=P~ "add oil" to all of us in the future, all the best;-)~!!! (Huang, 2010)
Hey guys and gals, this is my first comment here and might be the last, haha. Just wanna say that you are my BEST students ever. Like you learning attitude and "fighting" spirit. You guys are like the wild grass in the rain -- stood strong and grow even greener and stronger after the storm. Till now, though I no longer teaching you guys, but every now and then, I will tell your junior how you prepare for the camp... love your positive attitude and going to miss your "hokkien-mandarin randomness" disucssion, haha!
ReplyDeleteKeep on the positive attitude, and all the best in your future undertaking :)
Kok Wei, Tan
Everyone will accept feedback and bounce back, and in coincident u saw our growth.. xD
ReplyDeleteTats y sir u will proud of us.
Thx god for creating such chance for us to make sir proud of us.
Btw Mr Tan, we all love u too~
From Anonymous Quah